Please Wait

I've referenced feeling a little "off" or having a sort of bloggers "writers block" over the past few months.  Instead of writing we've been doing a lot of family stuff and I've been watching a lot of reruns of The Office.  True story.  I wasn't comfortable sharing where I was and I couldn't seem to find my way out of this funk I was in.

In January I started to feel like God was calling me to do something.  It was a very general and frankly frustrating feeling.  I had no idea what that meant.  I talked it through with a couple of friends and came up with some ideas of my own.  But they were my ideas.  None of these seemed to satisfy this feeling in my heart that the Lord had sometime in specific he wanted me to do.

I kept waiting for someone to call me and ask me to do a task.  Or email me.  Something.  Anything!  I threw around the idea of starting an etsy shop, making prints, painting again, adopting a baby (something that's been on my heart anyway for a long time).  The Lord was silent.

I started getting depressed.  Even though I shouldn't have I was looking at those around me and measuring myself against them.  There were people adopting, writing life-changing books, going on missions trips, writing successful blogs that gave glory to Jesus.  There were people my age out there changing the world and I was at home changing diapers.

I've found that most times in my life when I felt like the Lord was silent that really he was speaking two words to me.

Please wait.


I'll be sharing more of my story in the days to come!


  1. Go to which is the fantastic ministry of Ravi Zacharias. He may be the greatest apologist of our century. Read "At The Border of Faith And Doubt." It fits and will be a help to any reading it.


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